
Five Tips For Getting Picky Kids To Eat Fruits And Vegetables

Is your child super-picky? It’s sometimes tough to know whether cautious eaters, as I like to call them, are getting proper nutrition. Here are a few strategies that have worked for getting my toddler to eat her fruits and vegetables. Every kid is different, but some of these tips might just work for you, too.

1. Bake fruits or vegetables into quick bread or muffins. My daughter’s favorite are apple-banana muffins.

2. Make a yummy casserole. My girl likes rice and cheese, so I make her a cheesy broccoli and brown rice casserole. She won’t eat broccoli by itself, but doesn’t seem to mind it in this dish.

3. Stir some pureed carrots or sweet potatoes into macaroni and cheese. The trick with this is to be careful not to change the color or the taste much. Orange or yellow veggies work best here.

4. Offer dried fruits. For example, some kids won’t eat grapes, but like raisins. These are highly portable, too. (Caution - may be a choking hazard for young toddlers.)

5. This may sound strange, but try offering a single bite-sized bit of fruit on a dish by itself. My daughter seems to like for her food to be separated and neat-looking. When she eats the first piece of diced peach, I put down the second, and so on. She ends up eating more than she would have had I given her the entire serving at once.

I’ve also found that if you offer the fruit or vegetable at the beginning of a meal when your child is hungriest, as an “appetizer“, he or she is much more likely to try it. Also, remember never to force your child to eat. It can take a lot of extra effort and creative thinking to get your kids to eat what‘s good for them. But hey, one day they might thank you for it.

by: Teresa Kolvek

General Anxiety Disorders In Children

The manifestation and effects of GAD in children can be very harmful. Therefore, adults need to be alert to catch the problem as early as possible. Five major warning signs are as follows:

1. Children show extra concern about future - you will find that the children are too much worried about the "what ifs" of the future. Often the situation that they conjure would be ridiculously hypothetical, yet they would be worrying about it in all earnest. Do not ignore what they say or how important such things seem to them or they would stop sharing their thoughts with you. Rather, redirect their negative thoughts into positive ones with adequate subtlety.

2. Excessive fear of mistakes - is your child overly worried about making mistakes at school or favorite games? Is that fear interfering with their overall behavior and performance at school? Gently show them that perfection is not always an achievable goal. Do not allow them to indulge is excessive self-criticism, nor negative self-labeling. Help them understand the "you loose some and you win some" concept; it is all part of the game. Show them that as long as they did their best, they should not worry too much about the results.

3. Blaming themselves - some children have a terrible knack of drawing the blame of any type of problem that happens at home, on to them. This is particularly true when parents quarrel loudly in front of the children; or there is talk about divorce and/ or separation. Try to keep arguments out of the hearing range of children. In case you do find them blaming themselves for the animosity between you and your partner, try to explain to them that adults have sometimes adjustment problems, which are solely rooted in their perspective of life and basic values. Assure them that come what may, they would always be loved and cherished by both parents.

4. Anticipating the worst in every situation - watch out for signs of overreaction to problems and obstacles they encounter. If every time they have a problem they tend to anticipate the very worst to happen and become sick with panic, this is an indication of GAD. Ensure that they know what to do in case of the worst possible scenarios; reassure them that whatever happens, there is always a way out.

5. Low self-confidence needs constant reassurance - if the child is constantly appealing to you for reassurance and does not do anything on his or her own without your express approval or advice, he or she is very much likely to be suffering from GAD. Encourage your child to take his or her own decisions and offer effusive praise when the child does so. Enhance the child"s self-esteem through continuous positive reinforcement. Teach the child to respect and appreciate his or her own uniqueness.

by: Ian Spencer

Bedtime Strategy for Kids

For many parents, bedtime is the most dreaded part of the day. With a firm hand and consistency in following this guide, bedtime will be the easiest part of the day in just a short time. All you will have to do is tuck in your little one, give a kiss on the forehead and say, "Goodnight."

Are you getting enough sleep everyday or are you staying up late at nights because your child just won’t go to bed when you want her to? You need proper rest to be a good parent. She needs proper rest to be a good child. Many children misbehave or cannot focus because they are tired. Besides this, children do most of their physical growing while they sleep. A toddler needs 12-15 hours of sleep a day, a baby even more. This means that your child NEEDS an early hour bedtime whether she wants it to or not and whether or not she feels tired. A good time would be 8pm. It is even hard for me, sometimes, to adhere to the 8pm bedtime. My little Theo will only be this cute and fun for a little bit and I want to savor every moment. I work all day so my time with him is limited. However, from observing what my friends go through, I know what happens when parents do not start the bedtime regimen early and stick to it: children are playing at all hours into the night, parents are yelling at the kids and the house is always a mess. Besides this, parents do not have time for themselves to catch up on the day, relax with a book, cuddle while watching a movie.

Ever since my little boy Theo was a 4-month-old my friends have been amazed at how easy it is to put him down at bedtime. No muss, no fuss. I begin Theo’s nightly routine at 7:20. He takes a bath. He drinks his bottle while I read him a story. Then hugs and kisses are given all around for Mommy, Daddy and Theo. Theo usually takes a few minutes to say goodnight to his stuffed animal buddies before laying down to rest for the day.

This happens in our home every night! It can happen in your home too in just a few days! Believe it. A good age to start having a set bedtime is when your baby is about 4 months old. This guide works with older children as well. The KEY is to be firm and consistent! Decide on a bedtime regimen. Wind down the baby quietly. While you give your baby the nighttime feeding, dim the lights, turn on some quiet music. When she is done feeding, place her in the crib, say, “Goodnight, Sweetie,” and walk out of the room. If she cries, wait a minute to see if she stops then check on her. If she is safe and nothing seems to be the matter, say, “Goodnight, Sweetie,” again and walk out of the room. Do not go back in if she cries again. You will be very tempted to go back in to comfort her. Do not do it! I repeat. Do not do it! She needs to know that you mean business when you say, “Goodnight,” aka “No getting out of bed to play.” In a short time, you will know when your little one is crying for something she needs or if she is crying to get out of the crib. Be firm and consistent with your regimen. Even a sweet 4-month-old knows how to manipulate your emotions. You can later pick a day of the week to hide the clock for family time.

by: Kimberly Wilson


The Benefits Of Infant Massage

Most mothers instinctively lovingly massage their babies. Perhaps it was by understanding this and observing the effect upon the infant that the idea of infant massage was born. Actually infant massage has been in practice for many years. But recently its popularity has taken off worldwide. It should really come as no surprise since both babies and parents enjoy the benefits. Let’s take a look at some of the benefits of infant massage below:

Infant Massage Facilitates Bonding

Touch between mother and baby is extremely important during the early months in order to develop the bond that will help the baby thrive and grow into a happy well adjusted child. The mother and father are able to provide gentle nurturing touches which the baby associates with love and being cared for. Infant massage helps the baby and parents get to know one another and spend quiet quality time together, communicating through touch.

Infant Massage Relaxes the Infant

A newborn baby’s life is pretty stressful when you think about it. He gets hungry and cold and the only way he can let anyone know he needs attention is to yell for it. Infant massage can help relax a stressed out baby that has just had too much activity or is suffering from stomach upsets. When infant massage is part of the baby’s normal routine, there is a good chance he will grow into a child who knows what relaxation is and how to achieve it to escape the stresses of life.

Infant Massage Improves Baby’s Sleep

It follows that a baby lulled into relaxation by an infant massage will quickly succumb to slumber. The upside is that infant massage may help to promote sounder and longer sleep periods. Parents will also benefit from a soundly sleeping baby which will give them much needed rest also.

Infant Massage Supports Communication

Infant massage opens up a new channel for communication among baby and parents. Parents will learn to pick up on nonverbal cues from the baby. The infant will grow to feel as if he is being heard and attended to without having to clamor for it.

Infant Massage Relieves Discomfort

Studies indicate that infant massage releases endorphins and oxytocin into the baby’s body. These elements may act to relive the common discomforts a baby struggles with such as teething, stress, congestion, and colic. Watch any mother trying to comfort an unhappy baby as massage, rubbing, and patting just come naturally. The movements help to settle the child, relax him, and alleviate his discomfort.

Infant Massage is Fun

What better reason could there be for infant massage other than the simple fact that the baby and parents think it is fun? It is a great way to get some giggles and coos from the baby and have an enjoyable time together.

So given the above benefits, it is no wonder that infant massage is so popular. Of course mothers have been massaging their babies since the beginning of time, but when we speak of the formal infant massage you should know there is actually a method to follow. Certain types of movements act to calm and relax the baby before bedtime and other types of movements will energize him. Still other types of massage movements act to relieve discomfort. So if you would like to learn formal massage for your baby and experience the benefits above, ask around and see if you can find a local infant massage class that you and your baby can attend together.

by: Anne Morris

Planning A Baby Shower From Start To Finish

Planning a baby shower is one of the loveliest gifts you can provide a mother to be. But where do you start?

If you are a first time planner or an experienced planner, you can benefit by following some simple strategies to ensure your baby shower goes off without a hitch.

Here’s what the experts recommend when it comes to baby shower planning:

1) Decide when the shower should be held. Most are held before the baby comes but some mom’s are superstitious and would prefer a shower be held after baby’s arrival. Be sure you check in first to plan accordingly.

2) Decide where the shower will be held. Usually this is a location other than the mom to be’s home.

3) Decide who should be invited. If you are hosting, you should always ask the mom to be who she wants invited before you make a list. You may find she wants a co-ed party or a small family only affair. Be sure you check in with her before you get started.

4) Send out invitations and be sure to include R.S.V.P. information and baby registry information. You’ll want to know exactly how many people are coming and your guests will want to know where they can buy the guest of honor some great gifts.

5) Decide on a theme. This doesn’t have to be anything elaborate. It can even be as simple as ‘pink’ if the mom is having a girl. You might consider asking the mom to be, she might have a theme in mind. This will help you plan decorations.

6) Order a cake or decide on the type of cake you want to make. A cake is a must have for all baby showers.

7) Plan on having some appetizers for guests. You don’t have to provide a full meal, but snacks are a nice touch.

8) Pick a few baby games out so you have something to do during the party. You can find hundreds of baby shower games on line.

Once you have planned all of these essential steps, the rest of the baby shower is easy! You simply need to set up house, decorate and welcome your guest of honor on their big day.

Most baby showers last about two to three hours. The first ½ hour or so guests can spend mingling and munching on goodies. You can then spend another ½ hour playing a couple of games.

Then allow your guest of honor to open her gifts! Be prepared to write down who all the gifts came from so your mom can send thank you notes.

After the gifts are open, usually guests have some cake, mingle some more and then leave. You might consider having some party favors available for guests. A great idea is mini baby bottles filled with jelly beans or some other inexpensive treat!

The most important thing to remember about baby shower planning is that everyone should have a good time. Sit back, relax and don’t stress about minor details. Most people are just looking for a good laugh and some time to pat mom to be’s growing belly!

by: Adwina Jackson

Learning Curve: The Birth Of A Selective Eater

When I was pregnant with Amelia, I had big plans for her nutrition. She wasn’t going to be one of those kids eating sweet, processed cereal bars for breakfast, or hot dogs and French fries for dinner. Oh, no. She was going to eat only fresh or minimally processed, whole grain, organic foods. She was going to eat a rainbow of fruits and vegetables each and every day. Her diet was going to be naturally vitamin-rich and full of variety, to include everything from cantaloupe to quinoa.

And then she arrived, strong-willed and sure of her likes and dislikes. We started her out on rice cereal at four months, as recommended by her pediatrician, and had just begun to add fruits and vegetables when the rebellion began. For months she refused solid foods. She just didn’t like pureed baby food at all, period. Not sweet potatoes, not peas, not pears or apples. Nothing. Well, okay, she occasionally would eat pureed bananas, but only the jarred kind - never fresh. (Go figure.) I had even purchased a cool little baby-food-making kit, which I used exactly once. It was only when we began giving her finger foods that she started to change her mind a bit. Maybe she liked having some control over the food.

Now she was eating, but only a few limited things, and tiny amounts. Macaroni and cheese, rice, occasionally some diced pears. Most other things she wouldn’t touch. I tried everything; I even resorted to trying to offer ice cream and cookies in a desperate attempt to get her to eat. (She wouldn’t touch the ice cream… liked the cookies, though.) She refused to try the cake at her first birthday party, much to the disappointment of family and friends. I read all the tips and tricks I could find online; most didn’t work. I had what could officially be classified as a “picky eater.”

Now seventeen months old, she is still extremely selective and cautious when it comes to food. For example, she won’t touch anything red, be it strawberries, popsicles (I tried the natural fruit kind, hoping to sneak in some kind of fruit), spaghetti, or ketchup. She refuses pizza and most breads, although she will eat muffins as long as they don’t have any kind of crumb topping on them. She will drink only milk or water. This means I can’t give her fruit juices or smoothies, which rules out what would have been a fairly easy method of getting fruit into her. The only green thing she will eat now is peas, which leads me to hope that all nutrition to be had from veggies is contained in those little green globes. And yes, she does eat French fries.

Amelia is an enigma to me, because she is so different from me. She is an amazing kid, and definitely her own person. She has taught me so much, not least of which is not to judge other moms by what their kids eat!

by: Teresa Kolvek

5 Things You Must Do When You Have Twins

Do you have twins or are you expecting twins? As a twin mum myself twice over I have a few recommendations of things that will help to support you in your role.

Join a Twin forum where you can chat to other twin parents who can empathise with your situation and fully understand where you are coming from because they have been direct experience to draw from.

The benefits of joining a twin forum or a twin website are priceless. You can tap into readily available information specifically related to having twins. You can chat and ask questions to the other twin mums who have been through the experience already or those that are going through the same thing as you are. You can also help others at the same time by swapping tips, read about recommended products that have already been tried and tested and product reviews. You could take part in one of the normal topics of debate that surround twins such as “should we dress our twins the same?”

Join a local twins group.

By joining a local twins group and attending their meetings and get togethers it will help you make some new friends who know exactly what it’s like to be a parent of twins. Although many existing friends with or without their own children will want to help but they can’t fully understand what you are going through and sometimes its nice to speak to a fellow twin mum who can completely relate to you.

Accept all offers of help from family and friends in order that you can get out and about with your twins.

It can be a daunting prospect trying to take your twins on an outing out of the home where you know you can at least cope and you may find yourself choosing to stay at home because of it. As friends and family to accompany you on an outing with your twins even if it’s just to the shops at first. As your twins get older and the feeding less frequent you will begin to feel more confident about taking them out and with some assistance a trip to the park or play centre can be twice the fun.

Arrange play dates for your twins with other children even when they are babies!

Not only does a play date give you the opportunity to have some adult conversation in the home it allows your twins to learn those important social skills. This is a particularly good way of helping your twins play with other children rather than relying on one another.

Search for baby products which will make the practical challenges of raising twins easier or at least manageable.

There are many practical difficulties when bringing up twins mainly related to safety, one pair of hands never being quite enough or the time it takes to do every task. When you face a hurdle try to find a solution, be creative. Speak to other twin mums and discover how they have managed. There are many great products on the market now that can be of use with managing twins.

by: Angela Manton


Child Care For the Busy Parent

When you are someone that wants to make sure that your child has everything that they need, you may want to have some kind of child home care. Some times parents work away from home and they do not want to take their child to a day care facility. When this is the case, they will have a home childcare worker come in and take care of the children each day. A home child care worker is someone that is willing to take care of a child in their home and make sure they have all their needs and wants met. You will find that there are a lot of people that want to do this type of work for a living. Many times a home child care worker will be someone that the parents like and trust as well as the children feel good about too. Getting child care at home is something that the parents often times have to pay substantial money for. They will have to find the childcare worker (sometimes called or referred to as a nanny) that they want and pay for the total expense of their work. This could include transporation. Finding someone to take care of your children inside your home is not always easy, but there are agencies that will help you locate, screen, and qualify your child caretaker. You will have to do a lot of research so that you are sure the person that you hire is gong to do a great job and be someone that you can trust with your precious package. Pros and Cons of Home Child Care If you are thinking about home child care, be aware that there are many pros and cons. Not all are obvious. We discuss a few of them here. First the pros: Probably among the top "pros" is the convenience for the parents. In addition, the child may have more normal sleep patterns. Depending upon the care giver, the child (or children) will probably receive better and more personal individual care. The child will be comfortable in a familiar setting. The Parent(s), not the institution, can control the diet and food quality. If there is a child with a contagious illness, the home cared child will not be exposed to it. The advantages seem obvious. Then there are cons. First and as a direct correlation to the "pro" is the convenience factor.. but in this case, the convenience comes at the risk of having essentially one child care provider. If that person becomes ill, or for some reason becomes unreliable, then the convenience is all gone. The child being at home is not exposed to other children and social skill development in these very early years, particularly before age five. We list "diet" as a pro.. but on the con side, possibly the parent is not as careful in planning a balanced meal program. Then there's the exposure to "germs" and "disease". Maybe that's not all bad as these factors lead to building a child's immunity, and without this exposure, immunity could be slower to develop. Lastly, there's the cost. In all probability, personal child care is at least double, if not more, the costs of a group child care facility. Getting home childcare is a great advantage because you will not have to take the child out of the home daily. You will find it much easier when the childcare provider comes to your home. You will not have to worry about where the child is and what they are doing. You will also not have to worry about other children being around your child and causing harm to them. You should feel secure knowing that your child is safe at home with a qualified home childcare provider. The childcare provider that you have coming into your home is going to offer a list of different services. You will see that they will feed your child as well as play with them when they would like. You can also find some home child care workers that will teach your children basics that they need to have in order to grow productively. There are many great reasons why you should try to have a home care provider for your wonderful children. You should look into the different ways this type of childcare can help you the most. One of your first steps is to compile a list of what you want and expect from your new "nanny". Then list the various ways you might have for finding this person.Classified ads, references from other parents, agencies and even the internet as nannies advertise there. If you live in a metropolitan area, you may have greater resources. KNOW your budget. Will this person be offered "live in" arrangements? If so, get a contract and state the hours of work and when he or she is free. Lastly, don't forget the tax implications. If you hire them as an employee, you will be obligated to pay employer type taxes. If you are not familiar with this, check with an accountant. Also see if these costs are deductible. Then finally, don't just interview the prospective child care provider, but get solid references. If you do your homework properly, you'll have great satisfaction in knowing your child or children are getting the best of care.
by: Ruth Leitch

How To: Breast Pump Instructions

So the predicament is, you have decided to breast feed and now you have went out and purchased a breast pump. You now are looking at the breast pump instructions and thinking, now what? Sometimes breast pump instructions can be confusing and somewhat misleading. The breast pump instructions often assume you know what they are talking about. For example, when they use a word, they are taking for granted that the person reading the instructions knows what the word means. When you first open your breast pump and pull out the breast pump instructions, you will notice there are many pieces to the whole thing. Basically, they will all connect together to provide the base, breast suction and transfer into a container. The whole concept of a breast pump is very simple. Breast pumps are all basically built the same. The only difference between the manual and the electric is just that. One you have to use your hands to create the suction on the breast, the other is created by the machine itself. Another difference you will find among the two is that a manual breast pump will only pump one breast at a time where an electrical will pump two breasts at a time. Mother’s will often choose an electrical pump for time sake; especially when they are returning to work after giving birth to a baby. Basic general instructions are outlined below. Of course, this is just a basic structure where every breast pumping is different. 1. Make sure you start to pump breast milk about two weeks before you go back to work. This is for two main reasons. The first reason is because this will get your breasts used to the routine. Second, it will get you in the routine and prepare you for what is actually involved. The more practice with it, the better. 2. Remember; the more often you pump, the more milk your breasts will produce breast milk. The first couple of days you pump you will probably not get much. This is because your body has started to make milk, but it is not quite let it out yet. This is perfectly normal. 3. You can pump for about ten to fifteen minutes at a time. A great way to pump is right after your baby has finished eating. By pumping directly after the baby has eaten, you are increasing the amount of milk your breasts produces. 4. Breast milk can be store for 3 to eight days in the coolest part of your fridge, which is usually the back or for three months in your freezer.
by: Michael Gunn

Let Your Child Do His Homework On His Own

Parents often think that it is important to complete homework in order to get good academic results or to prevent the child from falling behind his work schedule or for immediate reasons - to safeguard him from the scoldings of the teacher. But we have to understand that the underlying principle behind homework is much beyond that. Let's see how - • The first lesson of self reliance comes through homework. When the child does homework on his own, it creates a sense of independence in him. Therefore, be there to help your child only when he has questions or finds it difficult to solve a problem on his own. Be supportive but not interfering. • Learning improves when the child does homework on his own. When a child listens to his teacher in the class, he cannot retain all that is taught. Homework is an effective tool to help the child recall and retain whatever is taught. When a child does an exercise on his own, he applies logic and uses his reasoning ability and thus never forgets it. This helps to develop an analytical mind. • Homework is a way to help the child learn to manage his time. Inculcate in your child self-management and time management skills by helping him schedule his homework. Giving him leeway in setting his routine will ensure that he manages to take out time for T.V., for play as well as his homework. • Appreciation and rewards for completing homework makes the child enjoy his work. It gives the child a sense of achievement and homework instead of becoming a burden feels like an enjoyable activity. Time to time praise by parents and the teachers encourages the child to do his homework more efficiently, thus instilling in him the desire to learn. •Freedom to child to handle the responsibility of homework demands patience from parents. Parents should not become tense or paranoid if the child gets a little less marks or takes a little more time to complete his work. Give space and time to your child to get into the mindset and learn to do things on his own. Don't expect instant results.
by: Sudha Gupta


Choosing Unique Toys for Kids

Whether you are searching for the perfect birthday gift, Christmas present, or just for every day imaginative play, choosing unique toys that every kids doesn't have is a challenge. Having toys that are fun and educational are a necessity to the modern home. This guide will help you choose toys that you child will love. You will love the price tag and the functionality as well.

1. Leap Frog Tag Reading System
This toy is great because your preschooler can read on his own. He simply runs a special computerized pen across a special book and it reads the words for him. Of course, this does not replace one on one time reading with your child, but can allow him to get some reading done and learn new words when you are unavailable. Easy to store in the garage or on a covered porch. Price: $35

2. Razor Pro Scooter
A scooter is a great way to get your child motivated to play outside. You can get them for girls or boys and they are great fun to play with! You can invited neighbor kids over for a scooter play date too. This is a great way to get inactive kids to get off the couch and outside to play. Price $25+

3. Play Food
Anything imaginative is great for a toddler or child. Kids love to play with things that grown ups use. This is why play food is a great gift or toy for your little girl or boy. She will love to bake a cake, make cookies, shakes, eggs, pancakes and more with this fun and imaginative toy. Price $5+
4. Dress Up Clothes
Many children love to pretend and dress up in costumes. They may like to pretend that they are a princess or a pirate. What little girl doesn't love Cinderella dress up clothes? Crowns and wands are also very popular. What little boy doesn't love to pretend to be a knight who saves Princess Rapunzel, or damsel in distress? Make sure you get costumes that are machine washable. Price: $20+

5. Games
Games are great family activities. Whether you have a set night of the week you spend time together, or just get together with friends and family to play games, for older kids Settlers of Catan is a really fun game that will keep them captivated and learning for hours on end. Price $25+

Whether you are on a budget, or the sky is the limit, this guide will help you on your quest to finding the perfect toy for the perfect child. Not only will they learn lessons and valuable skills with these toys, but if you teach them, they will learn how to love and respect their belongings.
by: Shelby Strong

7 Critical Mistakes Parents Need To Avoid With Their Kids

Critical Mistake # 1 Trying To Be Your Child’s Best Friend Although it is an admirable thing to want to be your child’s best friend, kids do not need that kind of relationship with their parents or carers. What your child needs is an authority figure to be the boss. This doesn’t mean that you have the right to be bossy. However, there needs to be a distinction so that your child realises that you are the final authority. I have seen many a single mum with one child, trying to be a “buddy” to them, possibly trying to make up for the fact that there may be no father in the child’s life. Don’t get me wrong. I am knocking the single mum; I am one of them. And as a single mum I need to be especially careful to let my children know that I am still the boss and that they are accountable to me. This gives the child a sense of security, knowing that someone is in charge. Critical Mistake # 2 Yelling At Your Child I know that all of us have yelled at our children at some stage. Some of us do it regularly, others just occasionally. What we need to realise is that it does our child no good to have us raise our voices at them. It will actually breed disrespect towards you. If we can learn the art of being non-reactive when our kids misbehave, we have learned a valuable skill to help our parenting efforts. Once we master this, we will realise that our children will react to us becoming more non-reactive and will calm down also. Our example actually helps to breed more harmony in the household. Praying or meditating each morning for a few minutes is a really good way to start the day when you are raising children. If you can put your mind at ease before you start the day, you will be more likely to feel relaxed when the inevitable happens. Critical Mistake # 3 Not Being Consistent Believe me, I know that this one can be really tough. I am a mother to four children and at times they seem to hound me all at once. It can be so easy for me to give in to their every request. However, we need to remember that not everything our child wants is beneficial for them. And often, children don’t understand the ramifications of what they do. That’s why we are the parents and they are the children. I sometimes have to say to my teenagers, “it’s just not my job to be liked. It’s my job to be consistent with you”. It is vitally important that we are not afraid to say this to our child. We are not trying to make life difficult for our children. All the same, left to their own devices they can make some pretty silly decisions. Critical Mistake # 4 Not Providing Good Boundaries I could write a whole book on this subject (hmmm, that’s not a bad idea at all)... all children, no matter what their age, need boundaries. When kids are given healthy boundaries they can function well at home, in school and in society. The real world operates with boundaries. If you break the law, you end up going to jail. That is a boundary the government puts in place to stop people from committing crimes. I provide boundaries for my children’s friends who come to play. Do I have the right to give boundaries to someone else’s child? Absolutely, if they are in my house. And I have had remarkable results from children who don’t usually behave elsewhere. When neighbour’s kids come to my house I simply explain to them what my house rules are. Once a child understands what is expected of them, then, and only then can you expect them to comply. Children need things spelled out clearly for them. Critical Mistake # 5 Entering Into Power Struggles No! No! No! Don’t do it. For those of you who don’t know, a power struggle is when you enter into a heated conversation with your child that never seems to end. There can be no winner because your child refuses to give up. Even if they are wrong, they won’t give up. When a child is in this kind of mood, everything you say or do will be wasted. Children that are emotional and angry cannot see or think clearly. This happened with one of my sons last night. He was very angry because the computer game wouldn’t let him win at a level. He became verbally abusive and refused to calm down. Two minutes later he told me that he was ready to talk about the incident. I sensed that he was still angry therefore I wasn’t prepared to talk and made him wait about half an hour before I saw that he had calmed down enough to talk rationally. Teenagers especially, have no logic when they want to argue about many things. They can know that they are wrong, yet still argue very persuasively that they are right. This is quite normal development for a teenager, however unacceptable as far as I am concerned. At least you know that it is relatively normal. But our job is to choose not to engage them in the argument in the first place. We need to find a way to end the discussion quickly without arguing, even if we must simply walk away. Critical Mistake # 6 Giving A Child Too Many Choices I shall explain myself. Firstly, it is a good idea to give your child choices within reason. But too many choices can become problematical. Take for instance the four year old that is asked what they want for breakfast: cocoa pops, corn flakes, weet bix, nutri-grain, rice bubbles or fruit loops. The problem here is that a young child isn’t capable of making decisions that involve many choices. A good choice for a four year old would be offering them rice bubbles or cocoa pops (just two). What we are trying to achieve is an amount of success with our children. If we give a child two choices and they pick one, they have experienced success to some degree. That allows us to build upon that success by adding more choices. However, when we start with many choices we are simply confusing our children. We are not doing them a favour. I use this technique with my strong willed daughter. Instead of telling her to have a bath each night, I say to her, “Becky, would you like to have a bath before dinner or after dinner?” This gives her a chance to express a bit of individuality and freedom to make a choice. But I have control over the choices and must be happy with both outcomes if I use this strategy. Not only does this method work really well with my daughter, it also gives her a feeling of power and kids love to feel in control. There’s nothing wrong with letting your kids feel like they can be decision makers sometimes. It can greatly enhance self esteem. Critical Mistake # 7 Lack Of Quality Time With Your Child For many children, love is spelled T-I-M-E. As parents, we must understand that nothing else will do. Not gifts, not food, not anything else. I remember last week my fifteen year old said to me “Mum, would you please get off that computer. You love that computer more than you love me”. He really made me think about the amount of time I spend working when the children are at home. David even said to me, “Mum, I would much rather have you spend time with me than a million dollars in the bank. I don’t care about your stupid web site. I want to spend time with you”. At the time that he said that, he had just finished an hour on the computer and was peeved off that I had removed him from it. But I still took the opportunity to think long and hard about what he had said. Parenting is one big learning curve and I never want to be so proud that I am not willing to learn something. I took my son’s words to heart that evening. I do hope you have learned a few things from this report. These are just seven things that came to mind as I was thinking today. My prayer is that you will act upon some of these things and improve your capacity to be a happy and consistent parent. Have confidence in all that you do and you can only do your best. Parenting is a journey and it is meant to be fun.
by: Kim Patrick

know Your Child, Listen To Him

Parents are often heard complaining to their child, "Why don't you listen to me?" But why do parents forget that it's a vicious circle. How good you are at listening to your child will determine how well he responds when you talk. Pay full attention : Don't be distracted by T.V. or the book you are reading. Don't just hear, but listen to him attentively to make him feel important. Be patient : Children cannot be expected to be articulate. Give him ample time to express and help him ascertain his feelings. Don't deny his feelings : If your child says that he is hurt after falling from the bed, don't tell him he is not. A child needs his feelings to be accepted and respected. Sensitivity works better than logic : When a child talks about an upset, don't interrupt him with logical or philosophical explanations. Rather hug him, hold his hand and let him speak his heart out. Listening adds confidence: Children begin to trust their feelings, believe in their perceptions when parents listen to them. This goes a long way in making a child a good conversationalist, a confident personality and the one who likes to listen to his parents. Listening helps in understanding your child : Know your child's needs, discover his interests, help him to come out of his problems and complexes by listening to him. Listening to your child will help you to become not only a better parent but also a friend much closer to your loved one.
by: Sudha Gupta


Internet Safety for Kids: 10 Guidelines to Help You Protect Your Children Online

Many kids these days are technically savvy, and their abilities on a keyboard often develop more quickly than their ability to recognize a potential threat. A young person's innocence and natural sense of trust can put her into dangerous situations, especially online, where everyone is virtually anonymous. Here are ten tips to help you protect your kids when they are using the internet: 1. Install a filter or firewall so that your child can't access potentially harmful sites. It's easy to find filters that are low-cost and even free. Start your search on CNet, which catalogs a number of filters with a variety of features for a child's different ages and stages. 2. Don't leave your kids alone in front of the computer. Allow them to use the Internet only in a common area of your home, where you can see the sites that they are visiting and the types of activities that they are engaged in. While it's important to have a filter on your computer so your child doesn't stumble onto the wrong websites, it's also important to not rely on that filter 100 percent. Some filters don't always block everything, and your child may even have the technical savvy to work around it. You still need to monitor what they are looking at. 3. Let kids know to never give out their name, phone number, address, email address, or password. They should know never to give information that could identify them in any way, such as the school they attend. Make sure they know to ask your permission before entering their email address in an online form or registering on any website. 4. Bookmark family friendly websites or save a link directly to the desktop so their favorite websites are one click away. That will save them from stumbling on the wrong website because of a typographical error. 5. Enable the security settings of your favorite search engines. Google, for example, has a SafeSearch option, which will block websites with sexually explicit content from appearing in the search results. You'll find this option by clicking "Search Preferences" from Google's main page. 6. Keep your kids from triggering malicious popups by using your browser's popup blocker settings. You might also consider disabling Java, depending on the kinds of sites your children visit. 7. Consider creating a family email address (instead of allowing individual ones) so that you can access and monitor emails. 8. Let kids know the importance of not opening emails or downloading attachments from senders whom they don't know. If you allow your kids to use email and instant messaging, reiterate that these services are ways to connect with their existing friends and not a way to make new friends. Emphasize that they should not reach out to strangers online or answer emails from people they don't know. And if they are approached by a stranger online, they should let you know immediately. Instruct your kids to let you know right away if something unexpected happens on the computer (if they get a popup asking them for personal information, for example, or if someone whom they don't know sends them an instant message). 9. Emphasize that, just because something is published on the Internet, it doesn't mean it's a fact. Give children and teens guidelines for discerning which sites are trustworthy and give them examples of sites that you turn to for trustworthy information. 10. Teach your kids what to do if they feel scared or threatened when they are online. Make sure your children know that they can come to you with any problem.
by: Jamie Jefferson

Five Benefits Educational Toys Can Give Your Toddler

The first five years of your child is critical. This is what experts consider as his formative years. This is why it is crucial that parents pay attention to the needs of their children during these years. At this point, the child acquires basic understanding about things. He learns by what he sees and what he is taught. At this stage, the child welcomes almost everything. He is receptive of love, teachings, and trainings. How a parent deals with his child at this stage will greatly influence his child in his future endeavors. One of the best ways to help develop the full potential of a child at this point is with the help of toddler educational toys. Here are the different benefits that children can get from these toys: 1. They help your child have fun. Although they are learning toys, your kids can still have fun with them, which is the best part. Although you want them to learn, you can be sure that these tools will not bore them because they will surely find tons of things to do with their toys. 2. These toys can improve the creativity of your child. The toys will have your kids imagining about different things especially if you have assisted him in playing. Children love to play with their imagination and this helps develop their creativity. This will greatly help them since creativity is very important trait of successful people. Giving your children the support and the instrument they need, will surely help develop their creativity to the fullest. 3. Certain toys will enhance your child's problem solving ability. There are toys that train your child to think and analyze. Among them are puzzle toys. This will help train your child to be patient and use his analytical skills to solve the puzzle. Puzzle toys are not limited to jigsaws. There are bricks, mats, and other toys that require the child to connect the dots. 4. You can use the toys as tools to teach your child. Aside from playing by himself, your child learns best with you around. You can use the toddler educational toys as instruments to communicate with him. You can assist him in his make believe games and teach him relevant ideas in the process. If he imagines that he is in a wonderland, you can help him arrange his play room. His green chair can be the grass or tree because leaves and grasses have green colors. His blue toy map can be the sky and his white bear can be the clouds. This way, you can help enhance his imagination and creativity while teaching him about colors. 5. You will get to know your child better through toys. You will learn his interest by observing the kind of games he wants to play. You will find out his favorite colors by the toys he picks. You will also learn if he needs help in certain fields like analyzing stuff because he cannot finish a puzzle that most kids his age would easily do. These toys are indeed beneficial for the well being of your kids. However, they can never be substitute for your presence and assistance.
by: Rachel Nunez

The Benefits Of Bedtime Stories For Children

Do you want an easy way to bond and connect with your children? All it takes is a book and a little time. One of the favorite activities for many families is reading stories to the younger ones just before they go to sleep. You only have to think back to some of your own childhood to remember how much you looked forward to hearing a story. Children have very vivid imaginations that take flight when they hear a book being read aloud. To them this story becomes so real that it seems to be taking place in front of their eyes. Parents will often be faced with the plea for “Just one more page, please.” It can be difficult to say “No” to a child’s eager request and it is very satisfying to a parent to realize how much happiness they are creating for their little ones with a simple story. While you don’t have to wait until the evening hours to read to your child, there are many benefits that accompany the beloved childhood ritual of bedtime stories. 1. Children enjoy listening to stories as they prepare for sleep. This helps them settle down quietly for the night. Listening to the familiar and much loved tones of their parent’s voice is very soothing and comforting. 2. Bedtime stories stimulate the imaginations of children and may even help them become more creative. Children whose parents read to them on a regular basis score higher on most standardized tests at school. 3. When parents or older siblings read to younger children it fosters a love of books and will make kids want to learn how to read. 4. Reading bedtime stories helps young ones develop a large vocabulary. 5. Parents that spend time reading to their children are creating warm memories that will last a lifetime. You can be as campy or as “over the top” as you like when pretending to be different characters in the story. Use funny voices or different facial expressions and really put some emotion into the words and your child will believe you to be the most brilliant actor in the world. 6. One of the most rewarding experiences for a parent is when they can share their own favorite bedtime stories with their own children. Many of the stories your parents read to you were some that your grandparents, or great-grandparents, read to them. You might even consider bedtime storytelling to be a way of continuing a family tradition. 7. Reading and listening to stories engage more areas of the brain than video games or television. If you want to initiate curiosity and thinking skills in your children there is no better way to do it than with books.
by: Stanley Lewis


Mommy & Baby: Facts On Feeding

How you choose to feed your baby, bottle or breast, is a decision you alone get to make. Do not listen to pressure from outside sources that tell you that you “must” choose one way or another in order to be a “good mom,” or that you are “doing harm to your baby” if you opt against what they tell you. The fact is, your baby needs food. If you give your baby the nutrition she needs, you are a good mom. Period! Whatever form of feeding you choose, the most important thing to consider is the gentle, tender cuddling you provide for your baby during the feeding.
Mother’s milk is the complete and perfect food, and is nothing short of miraculous. But if you choose to feed formula, you’re not a bad mother, and you’re not doing irreparable harm to your precious bundle of joy. While breastfeeding is preferred by most pediatricians, there are women who are unable to successfully nurse their babies, and then there are moms who are unable to sustain the feeding patterns they are told are “necessary” to breastfeed.
With parent-directed feeding (PDF), parents will feed their babies on a 2-3 flexible routine based on the baby’s cues. Crying is a late hunger cue, so don’t assume that your baby doesn’t need food until she cries. Some newborns can go 5-6 hours between feedings, which is entirely inadequate for their nutritional needs. This is why solely following baby’s cues may lead to a sickly, undernourished baby who has failure to thrive. Under-fed babies often lack the strength to cry and thus don’t get fed at the appropriate intervals.
So how do you nurse successfully with PDF? You establish the routine—most newborns can go between 2.5-3 hours between feedings. This time is counted from the beginning of feeding to the beginning of feeding. Latch the baby on to your breast appropriately and allow the baby to nurse. Your child will receive foremilk first—a watery thin milk with little nutritive value.
As your baby drinks the foremilk, you will experience letdown in which your glands will release the rest of the milk stored in them—sometimes this is tingly or painful, other times moms have no sensation. The milk your baby now gets is the hindmilk, it is rich, fatty, and full of nutrients. The best indication that you’ve achieved letdown is the consistent and rhythmic swallowing as your baby nurses. Once your milk comes in, most mommies have success nursing for 15 minutes per side, which permits baby to receive the hindmilk she needs to grow strong and healthy.

by: Kirsten Hawkins


Breastfeeding Tips for You and Your Baby

Breastfeeding can be termed as the most effective way of creating a perfect bond between a mother and her child. Breast milk helps in the mental and physical growth of your baby. It also increases the baby’s immune system. It can be considered a natural way of protecting your baby. Breast milk is naturally the most perfect food for your baby. Although it takes time learning how to breastfeed, you will be rewarded if you are persistent. However, it is a fact that some woman simply cannot breastfeed due to medical conditions or the baby not latching on for one reason or another, so don’t be disheartened if you can’t. When you are breastfeeding, your baby’s mouth should be covering the entire areola; sucking just the nipples will make your nipples sore and your baby will not get sufficient milk. This is one of the most common problems but also the easiest problem to fix that many woman have. Another reason why woman give up on breastfeeding is pain. Although your nipples might very well scab and crack, this is very normal. Quite often, your nipples will actually bleed. This should cause no alarm because this is fairly common as well. There are many products that are actually made specifically for this reason. Lanolin works remarkably well to repair cracked or sore nipples, which in turn relieves the pain. In order to ensure your baby grows healthy and strong you will have to take special precautions with what you consume. Medications can pass through your breastmilk as can alcohol and drugs. Always consult your doctor prior to taking any medication and drink alcohol in moderation – none is best. It is better to be safe. Being conscious about your health will have positive effects on your baby as its immune system develops. When your baby is small, he is totally dependent on you for everything. Breastfeeding is one of those times when you are providing your baby with a necessity as well as sharing a bond that no one else can replace. Enjoy these moments now, as they become far too quickly, memories.

by: Katherine Nagy

How to Deal with Baby's Fever

My baby Rian was 1 1/2 years old when she had a fever because of her teething. This is one of the most painful times for mommy’s when you know that your baby is hurting. It becomes harder when you don't know how to deal with your baby fever . However, I think it is much worst when you know what to do but you simply cannot do anything because you are at work while your baby is not well at home. This is one of the times when I wish I could just stay home to take care for our baby but of course this is not possible due to financial concerns. Well enough with my wishes in life, let me impart to you how I am dealing with my baby's fever: As I have said, I was at work when I got a message from my husband that says my baby have a fever @ 38.5 degrees. I replied to him to wash her whole body with wet hand towel and give her Paracetamol 2 ml every 4 hours (this was the last dosage given to her during her last check-up to her pediatrician). At 12:00 noon, my husband called me asking me to go home since my baby's fever continues to go up by 39.8 degrees. Even I wanted that time to go home I simply cannot. I am working in a manufacturing company and I need a shuttle service before I can go the nearest bus going to our house. I got another phone call from my husband and this time he was almost crying on the phone telling me that he is bringing our baby to the hospital since our baby vomited due to very high fever and so I said ok and I said again to continue wiping her wet towel, this will help to lower down her fever. My husband was very nervous it was his first time to take care of our baby with very high fever since most of the month in a year he is abroad working. Fortunately, a shuttle was available at 2:30 PM and so I got home at 4:00 PM in the afternoon and they just arrived as well from the hospital. My baby was prescribed also with paracetamol but this time with higher dosage to 5 ml every 4 hours. When I saw my baby she was wearing a pajama, t-shirt and socks very hot with fever and crying. I immediately take off her socks and wrap her with wet body towel. I also put wet face towel on her forehead. I rocked my baby until she fell asleep. I took her temperature and it reads 38.9 degrees still bad. After 30 minutes, she woke. We changed her clothes to dry one then gave her paracetamol. After that I ask again for a wet towel; but this time I removed her clothes then wrap her again with wet towel for 20 minutes. After that I dressed her with her dry clothes then checked again her temperature and still her fever is 38.9 degrees. I repeat the same routine a couple of times more. At 6:00 PM when we checked again her temperature, it was now 37.4 degrees thank God. She started playing. By 7:00 PM, her fever was then down to 36.8 degrees she was back to her normal activities running with glee. At night my husband said, "I thought our baby will be advised to be confined at the hospital" and I said we'll I wasn't actually expecting that, our baby was in a much worst condition. She's a strong baby; she can deal with fever without being confined in the hospital. You just have to be strong as well to be able to take care of her at you best. My husband said well I'll know better next time; I'll know how to deal with your baby fever .

by: Sheila Hernandez

5 Tips On Looking After Newborn Babies

Caring for your baby is certainly one of the most important things you need to consider once you became a new parent. There are many things you need to take into account in order to make sure that your baby gets all the attention.
1. Make sure that you feed your baby right. Deciding on whether you should breastfeed or bottle-feed your baby greatly depends on your personal decision and what your physician recommends. However, it has been shown that breastfeeding is still the best way to nourish newborn babies. Lots of benefits can be obtained through breastfeeding. Some medical studies have determined that breastfed infants have less hypersensitivity later in life compared with those who were raised with bottle feeding. This is mainly because the mother’s milk is known to contain natural enzymes and antibodies that can help fortify the baby’s immunity against infirmities. Aside from this, some doctors also believed that breast milk is responsible for superior intellect as he/she grows and becomes fully developed.
2. Practical sleep aid tips for infants. Sleep is crucial for babies because it has a direct effect on the child’s mental and physical growth. Newborn babies sleep for up to 17 and 18 hours a day. Parents should understand that babies sleep cycle could be pretty erratic. You may notice for a few weeks, your baby’s sleep may only last from approximately 30 minutes to 3 hours, and this can vary throughout a 24 period. But by the sixth week, you should see some signs of improvement as your baby’s sleep pattern becomes more structured. Newborns show signs of sleepiness by crying or rubbing their eyes. Newborns should be put down to sleep as soon as they feel sleepy. If you are not getting much sleep at night it may be a good idea to sleep when your baby does during the day if possible.
3. The proper way of bathing your newborn. Newborn babies need not be bathed on a daily basis. Bathing them two to three times a week is enough. Bathe your baby using sponge baths. This is imperative at first. Tub bathing your baby can only be done once the baby’s umbilical cord falls off to avoid infection.
4. Maintaining your baby’s optimal skin care. Newborn babies have smooth and delicate skin. For this reason, it is necessary that you use products that are especially made for babies. But before buying any baby product, it is best to consult your pediatrician. Most babies develop rashes from time to time and this is perfectly normal. However, if your baby seems irritated by a rash or has a fever, you should immediately seek advice from your baby’s doctor.
5. When to give the baby medicine. Like anyone else, newborn babies sometimes have special needs that require attention. When giving your baby medicine, it is important that you follow the advice of your baby’s physician. You need to know how to give the right dose prescribed by the doctor. It can sometimes be advised to start the baby with a small dose to ensure there is no adverse reaction to the medication.
The information contained in this article is for general information purposes only and is not meant in any way to replace advice given by healthcare professionals.

by: Alison Palmer

The Beauty and Benefits of Breastfeeding

In recent years, there has been a lot of debate surrounding the issue of breastfeeding. While the decision to breastfeed is a personal one, there are countless benefits for both mother and child that ought to be explored. One of the most significant reasons to breastfeed your child relates to the quality of food your child is ingesting. Although baby formula may meet the nutritional requirements of children, it is not the ideal food for babies.
According to the World Health Organization, Breastfeeding is the absolute best source of food for babies. Commercial baby formula is comprised of countless preservatives and by-products of other food production techniques that have no proven benefit for your child. Formula is also extremely high in fat content, and leads parent to believe that their child is thriving because he or she is gaining weight. This is not necessarily the case.
Breast milk, on the other hand, has undergone millions of years of development in the laboratory of Nature. Countless studies have proven that there is no reasonable substitute for Breast milk. Breast milk has the amazing ability to transform and adapt to the needs of your baby at various stages of development.
Colostrum is an amazing example of the way a woman's body produces the perfect food for baby. It is the first liquid produced by a mother, usually beginning a few months before delivery. It differs slightly in appearance than breast milk, in that it is thicker and has a yellowish tint. It has a high concentration of antibodies, which helps newborns fend off illness and disease and build strong, stable immune systems. It is extremely easy for babies to digest, and it also has a laxative effect to help ease digestion.
Studies have also shown that there is a direct relationship between breastfeeding and a child's cognitive ability and intelligence. Simply put, breastfed babies have higher IQ's than their bottle-fed peers. Some studies have concluded that the longer a child is breastfed, the higher IQ he/she will have. Other studies have shown that breastfed children have a lower incidence of ear infections. This is significant when one considers the overuse of antibiotics and antibiotic resistant disease.
Food allergies are another important consideration for new parents. Breastfed babies have a much lower chance of developing food life-threatening food allergies. As a consequence, the have an even lower chance of developing related illnesses such as gastrointestinal disorders, diarrhea and vomiting. Breast milk protects babies from food allergies because it has a high concentration of the immunoglobulin IgA. IgA works by binding to foreign proteins and preventing them from entering the child's bloodstream. Children do not begin to produce IgA of their own until approximately 8 months of age.
Other studies have concluded that breastfeeding can also protect your child from diseases such as Multiple Sclerosis and Leukemia. New parents should explore their options carefully, and make educated decisions regarding their child's health and well being. Speak with your Pediatrician, or contact your local health unit, for more information. The choice you make will affect your child's health for the rest of his or her life.

by: Rachel Thompson

Baby Gender Prediction - Choose Your Next Baby's Gender

Baby Gender Prediction Do you want a baby girl to complete your family? Or want a baby boy to carry on the family name? No matter why or which gender you would prefer, you can raise the odds of having a baby of the gender of your choice to over 94%! By implementing three simple, all natural steps you too could enjoy the thrill of having the baby you've dreamed of. The late Dr Landrum B Shettles an expert on human conception developed these steps to take advantage of differences he found in the human reproductive processes. What are these differences, and how do they affect baby gender selection? Lets start with: PH And How It Affects Gender At Conception Lets start with the fact that the man's sperm comes in two verities (y) "boy" sperm and (x) "girl sperm, and his sperm determines the sex of the baby at conception. The woman's egg is (xx) or all girl. The two sperm are very different physically, with the girl sperm being larger, slower, and hardier/longer lived, than the smaller, faster, and weaker/dies quicker, boy sperm. The mother-to-be can create a more acidic bodily ph if she wants a girl baby (the boy sperm won't survive in a acidic environment), and a more alkaline reproductive ph if she is wanting a baby boy. This can usually be accomplished by eating the proper foods and supplements for several weeks before trying to conceive. Timing Of Sex To Conceive A Baby Boy or Girl If you want a baby girl have sex as often as you like but abstain from sex three days before ovulation until three days after ovulation. This along with a more acidic reproductive environment will increase the chance of conceiving a girl. because of the time involved and the hostile environment the boy sperm will die off before getting a chance to fertilize the egg, resulting in a baby girl. If wanting a baby boy, abstain from sex until within 24 hrs before ovulation and than abstain again 12 hrs after ovulation. A more alkaline reproductive environment along with the timing will help ensure the boy sperm out-swim the slower girl sperm and fertilize the egg, resulting in a boy baby. Sexual Position Is Also Important If wanting a baby boy have sex in positions that allow deep penetration, as this will deposit the sperm closer to the waiting egg and give the boy sperm a short fast trip (that they should win!) If you desire a baby girl practice very shallow penetration to give the boy sperm a long difficult journey that they (hopefully) won't survive, allowing the girl sperm to do the deed. Conclusion Baby gender prediction is not an exact science, but with due diligents on your part you could very well experience the joy of having the baby that completes your family. For more information, as well as links to ebooks that can take you step by step through the gender selection process please visit my website.

by: Jerry Lindenburger

Caring for Your Newborn - A Learned Skill

Delivering your first child is a stunning experience (to say the least) as well as the beginning of a new time in a woman’s life. Motherhood has its amazing rewards but unfortunately your baby doesn’t come with a handbook.Sleep Newborn babies usually sleep for sixteen hours in a day or at least that’s what the textbooks say. Some do, some don’t. However, you do need to encourage your baby to sleep during the first few months of life. Newborn babies sleep for the most part for about two hours at a time. You need to establish a day/night routine fairly early on so that they get to know the difference. Believe me, it will save a lot of sleepless nights if you are successful with this early. Food It is necessary that your newborn baby receives a suitable diet during the initial months. There is much debate about whether or not to breastfeed. My advice is do what is right for you, so long as your baby is fed at regular intervals throughout the day your baby will thrive.Bath Don’t be concerned if your daily ritual with your new child prevents daily baths. While it is good to establish a routine early on, and a bath is certainly soothing, it is not necessary. Always wrap your baby in a soft towel and then dry your baby one limb at a time so that your baby does not feel cold. An after bath tip is to use olive oil on your baby’s skin. It is the best moisturizer you’ll find. An the best nappy rash deterent I’ve found.Health Any abnormal change in your child’s behaviour will be noticed by you first. Constant crying, coughing or sneezing is something that should be seen to by your family doctor. A mother’s intuition about her children is rarely wrong. Always consult your doctor immediately if you are concerned about your child’s health. Taking care of your newborn should be satisfying. Never hesitate to ask for help or advice. An experienced mother is always a great source of information. Don’t hesitate to ask for help and remember that your community nurse and/or family doctor are there to help.

By: Katherine Nagy


Toys For Teaching Infants

When an infant reaches the age of three months, he begins to become playful. He starts playing with anything he sets his eyes on. Anything that fits in his hand or has something that is able to be grabbed on it. This is also the stage in a child’s life when he begins what is called “teething.” That means that the child is beginning to grow his first set of teeth in and he is anxious to give them a go, which means that anything that the child picks up goes straight into his mouth. That is why it is important that the child is given toys that are appropriate for this stage. Anything that he picks up may contain pieces that come off easily when pulled. This could pose a danger for a small child, seeing as how they could choke easily on anything that enters their mouth. That is why toys for their age have been created. Not only are these toys fun for children that age, but they are also educational. Infants are also in a stage where they are beginning to learn new things and specially designed infant toys aid in their learning of new things. For babies who love to place everything in their mouth, there are all kinds of toys that are soft and squishy that can go in their mouth without posing any kind of threat to their health. They come in all shapes and sizes, but they all serve the same purpose. They are for infants who love to put things in their mouth. With these toys, your child can do that without any danger. Another thing to consider is that children at this stage are always open to learn. Making sure they learn the right thing should be a priority. One such toy is a device with several buttons that produce musical sounds when they are pushed. Several babies at this age enjoy hearing music. Depending on the kind they hear, they are relaxed by it. When they play with these buttons, they come out with their own unique “songs.” Who knows? Your child may become the next Beethoven or Mozart and this little device could help them in that process. Another toy is another machine, but this one helps the child learn new words. These machines vary, seeing as how some teach words for animals, objects such as a lamp or book, or other words. These devices have been known to help children with new words and recognition of objects. Infant toys such as these should be able to help babies in the first stages of their life. They are very open to learn anything and it is imperative that they learn the right things the right way. They may not know as much as adults do, but that means their mind is open to learn anything that comes their way. Thankfully, there are infant toys available to babies that help the, learn the basic things in their early life.

by: Nathan Nunez

Communicating With Children

Communicating with children can often be a daunting task. Often they seem to be on another planet and in some respects they are. Their cognitive (mental) abilities are not yet fully developed. Depending on their age they will be incapable of seeing another’s point of view, seeing all sides to a problem or will not be able to visualize abstract concepts. When talking to children it is important to remember that they are not mini adults. Communicating with Children in 5 Simple Steps 1) Mutual respect is a must for any good communicating with children strategy. By respecting our children’s needs and feelings we will teach them, by example, how to respect us. We can show respect to our children simply by accepting what they are telling us as being true for them and important to them. It is important for our children’s self confidence that we acknowledge their feelings and beliefs as being real and valid. Even when their perception of reality is extorted we still need to accept that this is how they are seeing or feeling about the event. By appreciating and trying to understand things from their point of view you will get a better understanding of why they have behaved in certain ways. And it is from this point of view that we can find solutions to problems that create a win - win situation for us all. For example, often angry outbursts are the result of built up hurt or frustrated feelings. By taking the extra time to learn how our children are feeling and seeing the particular event can help us to resolve any underlying problems. This in turn can help us all to deal more productively with similar issues when and if they arise in the future. 2) Make eye contact when you talk. Physically get down to their level. Eye contract is very important for children (the younger the more so). If we stand and talk over our children, our words literally go straight over their heads. They are often not even aware that we are talking to them; instead our words are often just background noise. So get down to their level and make eye contract with them so they know you are talking to them. This way you will not only know they are listening to you, you will also connect with your children. What’s more by getting down to their level you will also be showing them respect by understanding and appreciating their smaller stature in this world. 3) Be precise in what you say. Avoid implying things or talking in the third person. Children have many limitations on the way they can processes what you say to them. For example, young children simply do not understand things they cannot feel, see, hear or touch. Older children are still developing the ability to think in more abstract ways. All children are still very ego-centric in their thinking, that is, they see the world through their experiences and find it hard to take the third person point of view. Because of these limitations in their thinking when we are communicating with children we need to do it in a very basic way. In other words keep it short, sweet and to the point. Use examples that they can relate to. Children from about 5-7 years of age will also tend not to do things that they do not see or understand the point of. It is at this age that we need to start to give short and concise explanations for the things we want them to do. 4) When Communicating With Children, Give Descriptive Feedback. Feedback is an essential element in learning and improving on what we do. Feedback tells us if we are on the right track or not. The best way we can give feedback to our children is by making it descriptive. Describe what you see in a child's picture, or describe what you like about it. For older children, reiterate what you think they are saying to make sure you are both on the same wave length. This is also the way to give constructive feedback – describe how it could be done better next time or just offer another way of tackling the problem. Avoid going over the top with your praise or criticism of what your child has done. Children gain self confidence in achieving things for themselves and through consistent appropriate feedback. 5) Putting the negative part first is the key when we are giving short instruction like feedback. Research has shown that we all (whether children or adults) focus on the negative component of what is said to us and on what was said last. So if we put the negative first we will soften its impact by the more positive last statement. Try it for yourself, read the two feedback statement below about a child’s homework “Your writing is very neat and looks great, next time remember to try and put a space between the full stop and the start of the next sentence.” Now turn it around “Next time remember to try and put a space between the full stop and the start of the next sentence, the rest of your writing is very neat and looks great.” In the first statement, it is easier to forget the positive comment on the neat writing, and focus on the negative component. The second statement although has the same words will leave the child feeling more confident and please with the good job he has done yet mindful of the gap between the full stop and the next sentence.

by: Suzie McDermott

Can I Overfeed A Breastfed Baby?

Many nursing Moms wonder: Can I overfeed a breastfed baby? If you're worried about your pleasingly plump nursing baby, read on.
In answer to the question: No, you really cannot overfeed the breastfed baby. Firstly, you cannot force a baby to eat when he doesn't want to. If he is indicating the need to nurse, it's because he either needs the nutrition or wants the comfort of suckling. That's perfectly alright.
Since breastmilk is the perfect food for babies, it is easily digested. Mom's milk goes through the baby's stomach more quickly than formula. This is a good thing! It's like when you eat a salad versus a greasy hamburger. ;)
Babies are all different- some are petite and perfect, others are plump and pleasing. A lot of this has to do with genetics, not something you're doing right or wrong. If your baby is growing well and meeting developmental milestones on time, he's fine. Check with your baby's health care provider if you're worried.
One word of caution: if your baby nurses a lot and then seems fussy, gassy and spits up frequently, it may be because of feeding management issues. Something you might want to try is "finishing the first breast first". At the beginning of a feeding, your baby is getting the lower fat "foremilk" and later on, the higher fat "hindmilk". If you remove baby from the first breast before he pulls away and give him the other side, he may fill up with foremilk, causing some gassiness, fussiness, and spitting up.
Let the baby decide when he's done with the first breast, either by pulling away or falling asleep. If you have a very strong "letdown", or milk ejection reflex, then this is especially important. You may have an overabundant milk supply. Try keeping baby on one side for an entire feeding.
If your baby seems to need to nurse more frequently for a few days, he may be going through a growth spurt. Nurse him more often for a couple of days and try to take it easy, rest and nap with him if possible. Your milk supply will increase to meet his needs.

by: Carrie Lauth

Work Life Balance: Help for Busy Moms

As a mom you probably go through times in your life when you think you can’t possibly manage work and taking proper care of your family. In fact, there are probably times when you feel you’re not doing a good job at one or the other or maybe even both. Don’t despair! There is help for you whether you work from home or outside of the home, your family is large or small or you have other commitments like volunteer work. Time Management - Knowing where and how you spend your time is key to balancing your life. Start by keeping a calendar of all your activities. You can do this online, on a paper calendar or in a journal. Track everything from showering, exercise, meal preparation, driving time, and so on. You will probably see areas where you can cut some time out by doing certain activities while you’re waiting in line at the grocery store or riding in the car. There are lots of useful ways to spend idle time and you can figure those out as you fill out your calendar or journal. Set Priorities - As women we often have a hard time saying “no” because it is in our nature to help others and want to be useful. However, you must know when to say “no” to those activities that don’t help you reach your family, personal or business goals. And even if the activity does in some way help you reach your goals, you will need to prioritize the activity according to its value or importance. Don’t be Afraid to ask for Help - Another trap women tend to fall into is the “I can do it all” syndrome. For some reason society has taught women that they have to be “Super Mom” otherwise you’ll be seen as lazy or a bad mother. That is a lie! When you are feeling overwhelmed by work, family and kids, have a friend, relative or neighbor give you a hand by helping you clean your house, or taking the kids away for a couple of hours while you get some work done. Whatever the situation may be, don’t hesitate to ask for help. These are just a few of the suggestions you’ll find in my report, Real Life Guidance to Balancing Work and Family. The "Real Life Guidance to Balancing Work and Family" report shows you how you can find a balance between work and family, without letting any of those balls you are juggling fall on the floor. This report gives you real life solutions, and the best part is that you can get started right now. Not only are there tips for everyday life, but inside The “Real Life Guidance to Balancing Work and Family” contains valuable insight for work at home moms and moms who work outside of the home. In addition, I also show you how to get started and then keep the momentum! So don’t wait another second. Stop doing the juggling act and get your life in balance now with the Real Life Guidance to Balancing Work and Family report.

by: Aurelia Williams

